Top Veg & Herbs to Plant in June for a Lush Garden

June’s here and your garden’s just begging for a bit of action. It’s the perfect time to get those veggies in the ground, with the last frost a distant memory and the soil warming up nicely.

You’ve got a plethora of choices, but some veggies are just itching to thrive in June’s unique conditions. It’s all about picking the right contenders that’ll soak up the summer sun and give you a bumper crop.

Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or just starting out, there’s something incredibly satisfying about planting now and harvesting your own fresh, tasty veg in the months to come. So, let’s dig in and explore the best veggies to plant this June.

Best Vegetables to Plant in June

Summer’s just around the corner, and you’ve got that urge to dig into the soil and start your vegetable garden. June’s when you should be eyeing those veggies that not only stand up to the warmth but also thrive in it.

Let’s dive in with some top picks that love the summer heat. Fancy some salad staples? You’re in luck. Crisp lettuce and spinach can still be sown early June if you’ve missed the earlier window. They’ll appreciate a bit of shade as the days get hotter, so consider planting them where they can get afternoon refuge from the sun.

Courgettes and squash are a must—they’re practically begging to be planted now. These sprawling plants need space, so give them room to flourish and they’ll reward you with a generous yield. And then there’s beetroots; resilient and quick growing, they shine bright when sown in June.

  • Salad Greens
    • Lettuce
    • Spinach
  • Courgettes
  • Squash
  • Beetroots

If you’re thinking about root vegetables, it’s the perfect time for carrots and parsnips. They can take a while to mature, so planting now means you’ll be pulling up earthy gems later in the season. And who could overlook runner beans? These climbers will shoot up before you know it, so get those poles ready.

For a touch of variety, why not pop in some French beans? They’re not only delicious but also a bit less cumbersome than their running cousins and often give a hefty crop.

Vegetable Sowing Guide Expected Harvest
Carrots Direct sow by mid-June Late Autumn
Parsnips Direct sow by mid-June Early Winter
Runner Beans Plant after frost risk Late Summer onwards
French Beans Plant after frost risk Late Summer to Early Autumn

Remember, ample watering and a vigilant watch for pests will keep your plants in good nick. Get out there, sow those seeds, and watch as your garden becomes a hub of life and growth in the weeks to come.

1. Tomatoes

While you’re out in the garden getting your hands dirty, don’t forget to make some room for tomatoes. Arguably the star of the summer crop, tomatoes thrive in the warm weather that June brings. With a variety of types, from cherry to beefsteak, you’ll want to choose the ones that suit your culinary tastes and available space.

Before you plant, remember that tomatoes love the sun. Pick a spot in your garden that gets at least six hours of direct sunlight a day. Your tomato plants will need a decent amount of space as well—they can grow quite large and will need ample room to flourish.

Planting tomatoes isn’t just about putting seeds into the soil. You’ll need to start with seedlings, which are best grown indoors before the last frost has passed. By June, your seedlings should be sturdy enough to handle the outdoor conditions. When transplanting, bury them deep into the ground, right up to the first set of leaves. This encourages a strong root system, which is key to a healthy plant.

Support is also crucial for your growing tomato plants. Stake or cage them to keep the fruit off the ground and prevent any rotting. This also helps air to circulate, reducing the likelihood of disease. You’ll want to be vigilant about watering—consistent moisture is necessary, but overwatering can be detrimental. Aim for a balance, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.

Here’s a quick rundown of what you need to know:

  • Sunlight: At least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  • Spacing: Allow enough room for growth; generally about 60 cm apart.
  • Support: Stake or cage your plants to assist with proper growth.
  • Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist without overwatering.

Come harvest time, you’ll be enjoying the fruits of your labour—tomato sandwiches, salads, or even made into homemade sauces. Just keep an eye on your plants as they grow; pruning any non-fruiting branches will ensure your plants focus their energy on producing an abundant crop.

2. Cucumbers

In your summer garden, cucumbers are a must-have. They’re ideal for cool, crunchy salads and are surprisingly easy to grow. June is the perfect time to get these planted – just make sure you’re planting them after the last frost to avoid damaging the young plants.

Cucumbers come in two main types: slicing and pickling. The slicing varieties are the ones you’d typically use for salads, while the pickling types are smaller and perfect for, you guessed it, pickling.

Planting and Care

When you’re ready to plant, find a sunny, sheltered spot in your garden. Cucumbers love the warmth and they’ll thrive if they get around 6 to 8 hours of sunshine a day. They need a decent amount of space, too – aim to place seeds or young plants about 50 cm apart. As for soil, cucumbers prefer it well-drained and rich in organic matter, so consider adding some compost or well-rotted manure before planting.

  • Watering is key with cucumbers. They’re thirsty plants and they need a steady supply of water for consistent growth. Be sure to avoid getting water on the leaves though, as this can lead to fungal diseases.
  • Support for your cucumber plants can help promote air circulation and keep fruit off the ground. You can grow them on the ground but using trellises, stakes, or nets can increase yield and make harvesting easier.

Issues to Watch For

Pests like aphids and red spider mites can be problematic. Regularly check your plants, and if you spot these pests, natural predators such as ladybirds can be introduced or use insecticidal soaps.

Powdery mildew is a common fungal issue that appears as a white powdery deposit over the leaf surface and stems. Good air circulation, proper spacing, and avoiding water on the foliage can reduce the risk.

3. Zucchini

When you’re planning your June garden, zucchini should definitely make the list. These summer squashes are not only prolific producers but also add versatility to your meals, from stir-fries to zoodles. You’ll be delighted to know that they’re easy to grow and can yield a large crop from just a few plants.

Start by choosing a sunny spot in your garden, as zucchini love the warmth and will thrive with at least 6-8 hours of sunlight a day. Don’t forget to give them space; they tend to spread out. A good rule of thumb is to plant them about 70cm apart to allow for adequate air circulation, which is vital in preventing fungal diseases.

When it comes to soil, zucchini aren’t that fussy, but they do enjoy fertile, well-drained soil. It’s a good idea to enrich your patch with organic compost prior to planting. Be sure to maintain consistent watering, especially once the plants start to flower and produce fruit. A mulch layer can help retain soil moisture and suppress weeds.

As for pests, keep an eye out for slugs and snails which can be a nuisance. If you spot signs of damage on your plants, you might need to consider organic deterrents or barriers to protect your zucchini.

Zucchini plants can be quite vigorous, so regular harvesting is key to keep them producing. Pick the fruit when they’re about 15-20cm long for the best flavour and texture. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself with more zucchinis than you can use; they’re known for their generous yield! Sharing with neighbours or exploring new recipes can be great ways to make use of the bounty.

4. Peppers

When you’re looking through your seed packets and planning what to sow in June, peppers ought to be at the top of your list. Whether you have a penchant for sweet bell peppers or the fiery kick of hotter varieties, they’re an excellent choice for midsummer planting.

Starting peppers off in June can be incredibly rewarding. They love the warm weather, and by planting now, you’re giving them a head-start to flourish during the peak growing season. Sunlight is a close friend to these vibrant plants, so ensure they’re positioned where they can soak up plenty of rays.

You’ll want to plant your peppers in well-draining soil with a pH between 6.5 and 7.0. This slightly acidic environment is perfect for peppers to prosper. And spacing is crucial—keep your pepper plants about 18 to 24 inches apart; this allows them ample room to branch out.

Here’s a quick glance at what your peppers will need:

  • Full sunlight for at least 6-8 hours a day
  • Well-draining soil with a pH of 6.5-7.0
  • Spacing of 18-24 inches apart
  • Regular watering, especially during dry spells

Peppers are somewhat drought tolerant but don’t push their limits. Maintain consistent moisture levels, especially as fruits begin to develop. Mulching can help retain soil moisture and also keep those pesky weeds at bay.

As for pests and diseases, keep an eye out for aphids and the like. Companion planting with flowers such as marigolds can help deter these nuisances. And of course, netting or fleece will give your peppers a fighting chance against birds who can’t resist a peck.

Harvesting your peppers will largely depend on the variety. Some may mature quickly, while others take their time to develop that rich flavour and crisp texture. Patience is key, along with regular monitoring, to pluck them at the perfect moment.

Experimentation is the spice of gardening life, so why not try a few different pepper varieties? Some might surprise you with their robust growth or unique taste, adding another level of enjoyment to your gardening adventure.

5. Beans

Planting beans in June is a savvy move for both novice and seasoned gardeners alike. You have a wide array of choices – from runner beans to French beans, and whether you’re leaning towards green, yellow, or even purple varieties, the warm soil and longer days give beans the kick-start they need.

Best Bean Varieties for June

When you’re picking the varieties, consider these:

  • ‘Scarlet Emperor’: Known for its vibrant red flowers and impressive yield.
  • ‘Blue Lake’: Boasts a traditional bean flavour and stringless pods.
  • ‘Cobra’: Favoured for climbing and provides a bountiful harvest of tender beans.

Sowing and Growing Tips

For sowing beans, follow these pointers:

  • Choose a sunny spot – beans love the warmth.
  • Use well-drained soil and add plenty of organic matter.
  • Plant the seeds directly into the ground about 5 cm deep.
  • Provide support for climbing varieties early to avoid disturbing roots later.

Ongoing Care for Your Bean Plants

Once your beans are in the ground, they’ll need:

  • Regular watering, especially as the flowers and pods develop.
  • A vigilant eye for pests like slugs and aphids.
  • Mulching to retain moisture and suppress weeds without the need for frequent weeding.

You’ll find that beans are quite self-sufficient if they’re given a good start. Not only are they rewarding to grow, but the variety of dishes you can whip up with fresh beans from your own garden is endless. Whether it’s a crisp salad or a hearty stew, beans add a nutritious and delicious touch to your meals. Keep an eye on your plants, harvest them regularly and don’t hesitate to pick them while they’re young for the best flavour and texture.

6. Carrots

After tucking your beans into their beds, it’s time to consider the humble carrot as your next June planting project. The carrots’ versatility and the fact that they’re relatively easy to grow make them an excellent choice for gardeners seeking a rewarding harvest.

You’ve likely savoured the crunch of a fresh carrot, but nothing compares to the taste of one that’s been just plucked from the earth in your garden. To get started, pick a spot that receives plenty of sunlight; carrots love six to eight hours of sunshine a day. Prepare your soil to a fine tilth; those orange beauties favour loose, sandy soil that allows their roots to penetrate deeply and grow straight.

When you’re ready to plant, sow the seeds 1 cm deep and 3 cm apart, in rows spaced about 30 cm apart. It’s crucial to keep the soil moist during the germination period, which generally takes 14 to 21 days. If it’s particularly hot and dry, consider covering the soil with a thin layer of horticultural fleece to retain moisture and protect the seedlings from soaring temperatures.

To maximise your carrot crop, thin the seedlings to around 5 to 8 cm apart once they’ve grown a bit. This makes room for the roots to expand and stops the carrots from competing with each other for nutrients and space.

  • Regular weeding is essential
  • Avoid crushing the foliage as the scent can attract carrot fly
  • Erecting a barrier about 60 cm high can help deter this pest

Incorporate a balanced fertilizer before planting and consider succession planting. Sowing seeds every few weeks ensures a continuous supply of carrots throughout the growing season. Remember, patience is key with carrots. While they might not need as much attention as some other vegetables, they do take between 50 and 75 days to reach maturity.

Your diligent care will result in a bountiful harvest that can grace everything from hearty stews to crunchy salads. Keep an eye on your crop, water regularly, and soon enough, you’ll be pulling up carrots that are as flavourful as they are colourful.

7. Lettuce

When you think of salad greens, lettuce undoubtedly comes to mind. It’s a must-have for your June planting. You’ll find that lettuce grows quickly and can offer up a fresh, crunchy addition to your summer meals in no time.

With a variety of types like Romaine, Butterhead, Iceberg, and loose-leaf, you’ve got options to fit your taste and garden space. They’re not fussy, so whether you’ve got a sizable garden or a modest balcony space, lettuce can still be on your planting list.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Sunlight: Lettuce thrives in full sun but can manage in partial shade especially when temperatures climb.
  • Soil: Opt for well-drained soil enriched with plenty of organic matter to promote lush, leafy growth.
  • Sowing: Scatter seeds lightly across your soil and cover with a thin layer of compost.
  • Watering: Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged—lettuce loves consistent moisture.
  • Thinning: As seedlings emerge, thin them out to prevent overcrowding and promote air circulation.

Remember, while heat-tolerant varieties are available, lettuce generally prefers the cooler days of early summer. So if it gets unusually hot, ensure you provide some shade to protect your crops. You can enjoy consecutive harvests by sowing a few seeds at intervals throughout the month, ensuring a continuous supply of fresh lettuce.

Aside from serving as a staple in salads, you can also use larger lettuce leaves as a carb-free wrap or enjoy them grilled for a smoky twist. It’s amazing how versatile and transformative freshly picked lettuce can be in your kitchen.

Pests, like slugs and aphids, do fancy lettuce, so keep an eye out. Simple measures like slug barriers and a keen eye for aphids can keep these critters at bay.

Growing lettuce in June sets the stage for you to enjoy one of the garden’s fastest yields. You’ll be able to harvest within 30 to 50 days depending on the variety. That means in just a month or so, you could be dining on your home-grown lettuce, ripe for the picking and bursting with freshness.

8. Radishes

If you’re keen to add a bit of a zing to your garden and your salads, radishes are a fantastic option to consider when planning your June plantings. These small, peppery vegetables are known for their rapid growth and the splash of colour they add to dishes.

Radishes are ready for harvest in just 25 to 30 days, which makes them one of the quickest crops you can grow. They’re not only speedy but also rather simple. Here’s what you need to get them in the ground.

First, find a sunny spot. Radishes thrive in full sunlight but can manage with partial shade. They’re not fussy about space either; you can tuck them into corners or between slower-growing vegetables. Make sure that the soil is loose and well-draining. If you’re battling with heavy clay, consider raising your beds or growing radishes in containers.

Now for the sowing. Sprinkle the seeds evenly over the soil and cover them lightly. Aim for a spacing of about one inch apart to give each radish room to develop. Water the seeds well, but don’t let them sit in waterlogged soil.

Once your radishes have sprouted, thin them out so they’re roughly 2 inches apart. Thinning ensures that the remaining radishes have enough room to round out properly. Keep an eye on the soil moisture; radishes prefer it to be consistently moist, but as with many plants, overwatering is a no-no.

Pests can be an issue, but they’re usually not too troublesome. Watch out for flea beetles and root maggots. Covering your crop with a horticultural fleece can deter these pests effectively.

Radishes are wonderfully versatile. You can grow different varieties for a range of flavours and sizes. From the fiery ‘Dragon’ to the mild ‘French Breakfast’, there’s a radish type for every palate. Consider staggering your planting every week or so; this way, you’ll have a continuous supply ready to spice up your meals throughout the summer.

9. Herbs

If you’ve got your veggies sorted, why not add a zesty twist to your garden with some herbs? June’s warmth and sunshine make it a perfect time to start. You don’t need a vast space – herbs are content in pots on your patio or balcony as long as they get plenty of light.

Let’s talk about basil. It’s a warm-weather fan and it basks in the sunshine. Start your basil seeds now and you’ll soon have fresh leaves to toss into your salads, pasta, or that homemade pesto you’ve been itching to try. Keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged, and you’ll be sorted.

Thyme and oregano are the tough ones, resilient and determined to thrive with minimal fuss. Plant them now and they’ll establish themselves quickly, giving you flavourful leaves to snip and sprinkle over your dishes. These Mediterranean herbs love the sun and well-drained soil, just remember not to overwater.

If you fancy a bit of a challenge, try coriander. It can be a tad fickle, preferring cooler conditions, but with a bit of shade to shield it from the strongest sun, it’ll do just fine. It’s key to keep the soil moist for those delicate leaves.

Herb Sunlight Watering Needs Harvest Time
Basil Full sun Keep moist 5-10 weeks
Thyme Full sun Moderate 6-8 weeks
Oregano Full sun Moderate 6-8 weeks
Coriander Sun & partial shade Keep moist 3-4 weeks

Ultimately, herbs are not only about the flavour. They’re also wonderful companion plants, repelling pests and attracting beneficial insects. Whether you’ve set your heart on a lush herb garden or just a few favourites to elevate your cooking, starting in June is smart. Keep pinching out the plants to encourage bushier growth and you’ll have a steady supply of fresh herbs at your fingertips. Just imagine the aroma surrounding your garden on a warm summer’s evening – it’s the small joys that make all the difference.


So there you have it, you’re all set to green up your space with a variety of veggies and herbs this June. Whether you’ve got a sprawling garden or just a cosy balcony for pots, there’s something for you to plant. Remember, these herbs aren’t just for your culinary delights; they’re your garden’s little helpers in the fight against pests. Get your hands dirty, enjoy the process, and before you know it, you’ll be reaping the rewards of your very own, home-grown produce. Happy gardening!